Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sanitation Facilities

Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and faeces. An improved sanitation facility is one that hygienically separates human excreta from human contact. Improved sanitation generally involves physically closer facilities, less waiting time, and safer disposal of excreta. Poor sanitation is responsible for one of the heaviest existing disease burdens worldwide. The diseases associated with poor sanitation and unsafe water account for about 10% of the global burden of disease.The most common disease of poor health associated with poor sanitation is a diarrhoeal disease. Globally, about 1. 7 million people die every year from diarrhoeal diseases, and 90% are children under 5 years of age, mostly in developing countries. 88% percent of cases of diarrhoeal diseases worldwide are attributable to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene. In this essay I will analyse the economic benefits of sanitation, the eco nomic disadvantages, the link between a rise in GDP and the access to sanitation in regions all over the world including Asia, Africa, Europe and North America.I will do this by analysing data set curves which I have obtained from a various amount of sources such as national journals, reports and articles relating to this subject. I will be using data sets from the UNEP and carrying out multiple regressions. Finally I will be looking at the Environmental Kuznets model to see whether it applies to this relationship between economic growth and the access to sanitation.According to 2010 figures, approximately 2 billion people do not use improved sanitation facilities, two-thirds of which live in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. By looking at Figure 1 we can see that it is in the developed regions such as North America and parts of Europe where people have a good access to sanitation, while on the other hand it is the mostly the developing regions such as Asia and sub-Saharan Africa with th e poor access to sanitation. This figure already makes the relationship between economic development and access to sanitation vaguely clear.The Asian and African regions would be a good place to have a look at this relationship even more closely; this is because over the past few decades, countries in the Asian regions such as China have undergone a huge advance in economic growth while on the other hand there has been little or non-existent economic growth in the African regions. Asia is the world's fastest growing economic region. China is the largest economy in Asia and the second largest economy in the world.Moreover, Asia is the site of some of the world's longest economic booms and by looking at Figure 2 it is evident to see that over the past few decades there has been a dramatic rise in the GDP of Asia but very little in the GDP of Africa. Now by looking at Figure 3 which is a graph showing the level of improved drinking/safe water coverage, improved as in drinking-water sou rces such as piped water to the house or yard, public taps and rainwater collection. Improved sanitation facilities including flush or pour-flush toilets connected to a piped sewer system.By looking at this we can see that in Asia there has also been a dramatic rise in the access to unpolluted water which is a positive relation to the GDP. I gathered the data which is on Figures 2 and 3 onto excel and carried out a regression analysis for the Asian region to help understand to what extent the strength in the relationship between the dependent variable (GDP) and the independent variable (Sanitation) which is shown on Figure 4. By looking at the R squared we can see that this model has a strong explanatory power as it is very close to 1.According to the coefficient we can also see that every time the GDP increases by $50billion, there is an increase of almost 3. 4 million people with improved access to sanitation. Poor sanitation results in an economic loss as it is linked with the co sts of treatment to sanitation related diseases and income which is lost through productivity. Furthermore poor sanitation can also lead to a loss of time and effort as a result of poor facilities, lower quality of products due to poor quality of water and of course a dramatically reduced income coming from tourism as there is a great risk of disease.According to various studies from the WHO (World Health Organisation), there has been evidence that there are huge economic costs which arise from the poor sanitation. At a global level there is a loss of around $40billion per year due to poor sanitation; looking at South Asia alone we can see that in places such as Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia there is a loss of around $10billion a year, the key impacts of this came about from poor health and tourism, poor sanitation can affect everyone but especially effects those who are poor(Hutton, 2007). Several studies have also been conducted to estimate the economic costs associated with poo r sanitation. In Ghana and Pakistan, for example, the indirect effect on child mortality of environmental risk has added more than 40% to the cost of directly caused child mortality. If one took into account the effect of such malnutrition, they will be able to see the huge impact on impairing school performance and delayed entry into the labour market, the cost would double to around 10% of the GDP.Improvement to sanitation can bring various types of benefits to an economy, one of which are the direct benefits of preventing or avoiding illnesses as there would be no money spent on healthcare treating patients with diseases due to sanitation. There will also be indirect benefits such as a decrease in the amount of work days absent being sick and longer life, and finally and very importantly there will be a lot of time saved. As we have seen already, sanitation is also important when it comes to economic development.In Africa many young women are dying every year as they are the ones which carry the polluted water, they are also then forced to drop out of education during puberty years in order to look after their sick children as a result of the polluted water, this means that women are not able to be educated and they can even find it difficult to join the labour supply. Every 10% raise in female literacy (due to increased attendance at school) a nation’s economy can grow by around 0.3% (Dollar et al, 1999). According to Hutton (2008) there could be an estimated that annual investments of around $27million in Tanzania and Vietnam would result in benefits of around $70million for the health sector alone. Hutton also estimated that there is a potential to save around $6billion in many parts of Asia if improved sanitation can be introduced. Overall Hutton stated that there are many costs and benefits available however the benefits still do overpower the costs.Moreover, the Disease Control Priorities Project recently found that hygiene promotion to prevent diarrhoea was the most cost-effective health intervention in the world at only $3. 35 per DALY loss averted, with sanitation promotion following closely behind at just $11. 15 per DALY loss averted. This is to say that economic growth and sanitation for sure have a strong relationship within one another; this can be shown on the environmental Kuznets curve.The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is a relationship between income and pollution which is hypothesized to have an inverted U-shape. The idea of an inverted U-shaped Kuznets curve stems from the Kuznets' work in income equality (Kuznets, 1955). The EKC hypothesis states that as income increases pollution goes up initially but after certain time pollution eventually declines. The point at which pollution level is the highest is called a turning point. This then evidently applies to developing countries as they are the ones which have the higher levels of income.Looking at Figure 5 we can see that in Europe up to the year 2000 w ater pollution was on a rise, however sometime in the year 2000 there was a turning point where the pollution of water started to decline. According to the Kuznets curve, in the year 2000 the economies within Europe produced a certain GDP and a certain GDP per capita which led to the decline of the water pollution. According to Figure 6 in the year 2000 the turning point on the Kuznets curve was at $18000 per capita, this is the level of GDP per capita needed in the European region in order to reverse the trend of water pollution.Looking back at Figure 5 we can also see that in the North American region up till 1998 there was an increase of water pollution however sometime in 1998, just like in Europe, people’s incomes were growing and GDP per capita was on a rise. Looking at Figure 6, according to the EKC, GDP per capita in North America will be at $36000 which is where there will be a turning point. Both the EKC’s for Europe and for North America are shown on Figure 7. This analysis clearly tells us that the relationship between the two is dependable on the economic stages of development.In the other regions around the world there will not be a turning point on the EKC as people do not earn enough to have this effect, good sanitation facilities are the main way in which water pollution can decrease, more developed economies around the world have the funds to invest in good sanitation, however as we have discussed, the less developed countries do not have access to these sanitation facilities therefore their economies are heavily impacted and the funds for the technology needed to provide improved sanitation are hard to come by, therefore these countries are on the upwards slope of the EKCmeaning they have not yet achieved the GDP per capita in order to have a turning point. I have aimed to show the various ways in which sanitation is fundamental to good health and also economic development. Given the data I have analysed, I can surely state tha t the investment in improved sanitation would be beneficial to an economy. Ultimately, I can say that there is a strong relationship in economic growth and access to sanitation and I can also say that the EKC does apply to the water pollution we have in the real world. Finally I can also say that the level of the turning point also depends on the stages of economic development.

Mobile Phone Simulation Essay

Introduction As advancement in technology becomes more and more rapid in development that many technological electronic devices will becomes obsolete before it is sold. As the average lifecycle of the many new products in the world today becomes shorter and shorter. This is the leading cause of obsolete inventory for manufacturers and retailers, where their inventory will not sell without being mark down. The other problem is that popular products will sell as soon as they hit the shelves and cause a stock out. As retailers learned to become leaner and work with manufacturers so they can continuously replenish stock when needed. That way it will help reduce the risk for both manufacturers and retailers. The people managing the supply chain must make accurate market prediction and allocate their resource to match the prediction. For the two lines of mobile phones that will be release in to the market, we will do everything described above. We will design the phone, take advice from forecasting tea m and then order production. After the production are the sales and the adjustments made in reaction to the market condition. The yearend sales result will tell us how much we made and board room meeting will give us feedback on how well we did. Design In designing the phone for year one, we decided to use basic model with no options added, just to test how it will do and to save on the cost of adding an option. That came to the cost of $130 for model A and $150 for model B. In year two, we decided to add the option of extra battery because we believed that extra battery life will result in greater demand for the phones. That came to the cost of $150 for model A and $170 for model B. In year three, we decided to add two options, the anti-theft and the speaker options. The reason we pick anti-theft is that we believe that anti-theft would be important to anyone who relies on their phone to perform day to day task and would not like to lose their phone. The speaker option was added the extra function on the phone, which we believe could boost sales. That came to the cost of $180 for model A and $200 for model B. In year four, we decided to go with a sleek design, the super-slim. The reason we pick this option was because we did not t hink the other options were viable except for this one. Two of the other options the anti-theft and the speakers did not get a good response from the year before so we exclude those options. The mini-DVD option was excluded because we did not think anyone would want to watch a movie on a tiny screen. In this design only the super-slim option was added and that came to the cost of $155 for model A and $175 for model B. Forecasting After finishing the design for the two phones the next part to do was Forecasting. For year 1the average for model A is 60k, and for model B its 30K. We decided to put the demand estimate for model A 60k, and for model B 26k.For year 2 the average for model A is 54k, and the average for Model B 31k. We decided to put the demand for model A 50k, and for model B 30K. For year 3 the average for model A is 63k and 27 for model B. we decided to put the demand estimate at 60k for model A, and 25k for model B. for year four the average for model A was 61k, and 24k for model B. we put the demand for model at 58k, and 20k. In year 1 we made record profit 40,986k, and made 29,146k in year 2, thus in year 3 we made record low 28,873k, in year four the company finish with 40,008k. In conclusion the information in the game helped a little. The game should give more insight information based on the customers. Besides the amount of forecast provided, little information was given in order to make a professional decision on sales. Productions For year one, as a team we choose to go conservative with the production approach. The things we choose to go with were Far Far Away supplier just because we really didn’t want to spend 2 million dollars extra just for a month shorter. Also with the Far Far Away supplier we decided to start with the month January just because the phones came out in May, and the shipping deliver was 4 month out. Also we went with Pretty Close supplier just because they delivered on time and was a lot cheaper with the price than the other supplier. For year two we went conservative again and went with the same suppliers. With this year we ran out of supplies so we were forced to rework the shipment so we could get more phones and of course that cost 2 million dollars but in the end it was worth it. For year three we changed things up and went with the Far away Supplier and that had change things up. We basically had to change which month to start production and how much we need. We also stayed w ith the pretty close supplier because they were always on point. Once again with this year we had to change things around because we were over stocking the shelves, so we spent the 2 million to send fewer phones from both suppliers. For the last year we went back to the original suppliers and things went well for us. The only problem we had was that we ran out of phones half way through the year and when we notice it was too late to change the amount of shipment we needed. Board of Director’s Feedback For the majority of the simulation, the responses from the board of directors were positive. In the first year, we received three votes from the board, but not without any constructive criticism. First time around, the board suggested that we think more about uncertainty of demand, the differences in the two products and when to over produce and when to under-produce. In the second year, we had once again received three votes from the board. This time, they suggested that we further consider the concepts of capacity allocation and production flexibility, internal dynamics and the use of overseas vs. domestic suppliers. As the third year came to an end, we again received three votes from the board. They then suggested that we consider the concepts of markdown costs as well as the correlation between the predictions from our analysts and their personalities, because their personalities may sometimes prevent them from making an accurate prediction. Finally, in the fourth year we receive d one less vote than the previous three years. As final pieces of advice, the board of directors stated that we need to better account for risk in making decisions, as well as to think about the differences in the two different models we were producing, and the concepts of stocking, holding and markdown costs. Recommendations Some recommendations to our competitors are to focus on what our company is producing, differentiate their products from ours, and new features on the devices to the changing market. Other companies must focus on our devices that we are producing. They must see what our company is producing and produce it better at a lower cost. They must also focus on our product so that they can differentiate their products from ours. If other companies can differentiate their product enough from ours and can make it a popular device then consumers will no longer want our style of phone and they’ll be attracted to their devices. Finally our competitors must give their devices new innovative features and functions so that the public eye is focused on these new changes and everyone is willing to pay for these new functions in their phones. Other companies must also view who our company is marketing our devices to. Our competitors can decide if they want to market to the same target market as u s or if they are willing to pick a different target market from ours. This is a big decision which can make or break their company. If our competitors decide to pick the same target market as us it will most likely result in higher marketing cost within each of our companies and both of our marketing budgets will have to go up. If our competitors decide to pick a different target market then they will have to make a decision on which market they wish to pick as their target market and our company will have to decide if we want to try to take this market from them or not. Conclusion In conclusion our simulation went very well; our company made good profit each year and our production line was consistent. Each year our product was obsolete so we would need to produce a new phone to keep up with changes in technology. This caused forecasting to be a major factor in our business we had to make sure we knew the right amount of each Model to be produced by our consumers. If we made any errors in forecasting we made sure to send the proper adjustments to our suppliers so that we were not left with too much surplus that would have to be marked down. It also seemed that the years that we had a shortage of a model ended up making us the most revenue. Overall the board of directors gave us positive reviews, each year we received multiple votes by the board and they had positive feedback to tell us. The simulation went very well and if we had more years we feel confident that we learned enough to maximize profits even more than we already have.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Australia slashes wheat forecast Essay

In Australia, the commodity markets for wheat hit a formidable loss, as an ongoing drought reduced the predicted crop forecast by a crushing 30%. Australia being the second largest wheat exporter in the world, only behind the United States of America, plays an important role in the distribution of food. Although, in recent years the quantity demanded has risen due to the change in eating habits in China, the growing interest in the use of durum wheat as a bio-fuel, and rising demand for wheat in developing countries. These factors have all contributed to the shortage of wheat, and rising prices of wheat products. For example, pasta in Italy has risen from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.26 per kg to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.45 per kg, and supermarkets may further increase this price by 20% by the end of the year (2007). This rise in price of pasta has created major problems, and protests in Italy, as pasta is Italy’s national dish. Italian’s average consumption of pasta is 28kg a year, making it their staple food. Overall, international wheat prices have risen by a startling 350% in the past five years, and global reserves are at their lowest since the early 1980’s causing geopolitical stress in terms of shortage of food. Since the price of wheat, which is a commodity, (Homogenous goods that are raw materials in critical industries)1 has risen dramatically over the past 5 years, governments across the world should (in a graphical sense) try to shift the demand curve left. The demand (the quantity of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to buy at all prices, for a given time period, ceteris paribus)2 for wheat has been going up, but due to the supply shock (in unplanned change in supply usually occurring because of changes in weather conditions or an external change outside the control of the company or economy)3 – the drought in Australia – the supply (the quantity of goods and services that producers are willing and able to produce for a given time period, ceteris paribus)4 of wheat has decreased dramatically, which has caused a shortage (A deficiency in amount; an insufficiency)5 of it on the global market. Shifting the demand curve left can be done though manipulating the non-price determinants of demand for wheat. Some realistic options of doing this are: the Italian government can reduce taxes to give people a higher income (buy less pasta), the Chinese government can increase income taxes to lower people’s income (buy less meat), negative advertising of wheat and lowering the price of substitutes for wheat (buckwheat, rice, soy products, or other grains). In Italy, since pasta is an inferior good (Items for which an increase in income results in a fall in the amount bought e.g. bread, linoleum and coal)6, in theory people should buy less of it if their incomes rise. In China, since eating habits are changing to eating more meat, farmers are feeding their livestock more wheat for them to grow. By decreasing the Chinese people’s income, they will automatically buy less meat (normal good – Goods to which the general law of demand tends to apply)7. Also, negative advertising of wheat will dissuade people from buying wheat, and will thus push people to buy a wheat substitute, which will be even more of an incentive if the prices of the substitutes are lower than wheat. Also, the demand for wheat used as a bio-fuel can be solved by using other substitutes, such as experimenting with different bio-fuels, like corn. Therefore, the price of wheat can and should be lowered through decreasing the demand for the commodity, as the marginal social benefit of feeding people, has more weight compared to the marginal social costs of the governmental costs of increasing incomes, and lowering prices of substitutes. Shifting the supply curve to the right through the use of a buffer stock scheme (A buffer stock scheme is a form of intervention to try to stabilize the price of a commodity. Stocks of the commodity are kept and sold when the price is high to try to reduce it. When the price is low further stocks of the commodity are bought)8 will be too difficult, or impossible as the reserves of wheat are very low. In short, there would be no other alternatives to fully rectify the shortage, other than rationing, which would still keep some people hungry as there is a shortage. 1 Notes: Commodity Markets – 29th September, 2008 2 Notes: The Law of Demand – September 17th, 2008 3 4 Notes: The law of Supply – September 24th, 2008 5 6 7 8

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business-hospitality and tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business-hospitality and tourism - Essay Example In early days, where ships used to be the primary means of transport, Fremantle was used as the gateway to Australia. Various immigrants and explorers from across the globe entered Australia via this route and settled there. However, with the passage of time and development of newer means of transport such as air travel, the significance of Fremantle as a tourist destination changed drastically. Although the port city retained its prominence in the subsequent years, mostly on account of the role it played during the America’s Cup in the year 1987. It has an old world charm to it owing to the various historical structures, the picturesque locales overlooking the Swan River, old historical architectures and the wide cultural diversity. This unique quality / charm of the place sets it apart from the other popular tourist destinations. The port is highly active and has a huge fishing fleet and container ships which ensures a rich and vibrant lifestyle making it a favourite tourist spot. Due to the large number of people who immigrated to the port in the early years, the city has a cosmopolitan culture, which is still retained and preserved by the residents (City of Fremantle, 2011). Figure1: Fremantle – Ariel view Source: Wikipedia II. ... Some of the other key areas of attraction include the Roundhouse Whalers Tunnel, Fremantle Chocolate Factory, Fremantle Prison & Museum, Western Australian Maritime Museum, the Fremantle Arts Center, Fremantle markets, Fremantle town hall, and the Carnac Island etc among various others (, 2011). Tourist Attractions: The Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour is a working harbour which is lined up with a variety of waterfront restaurants which offer spectacular views of the Indian Ocean. These restaurants are a major tourist attractions, mainly on account of the wide variety of international cuisines served. Figure: The Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour Source: The Roundhouse Whalers Tunnel is a purposely built gaol, to house those who broke the local laws. It was established in the year 1831 and has been preserved ever since, and today, it is a historical landmark. The view from the Roundhouse is spectacular, as it overlooks the Bathers Beach and the Indian Ocean. There is a tunnel just below the Roundhouse, called the Whalers Tunnel. This tunnel was built in the year 1837 to allow the members of the Fremantle Whaling Company an easy access between the Fremantle town and the Bathers Beach. There is a signal station which was used in olden days, to signify the correct time to the navigators of ships entering the town. Although this process of discontinued eventually by the year 1937 the structure still stands today signifying a bygone era (, 2011). Figure: The Roundhouse and Whalers Tunnel Source: The Fremantle Chocolate Factory is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city. The factory is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Holy Grail of Peaceful Coexistence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Holy Grail of Peaceful Coexistence - Essay Example , where she enjoyed peace because of the diversity but the fall of communism as well as the outbreak of the Bosnian War hugely changed her idea about religion and tolerance. She claims that she does identify herself by religion because what it tends to support is not practical. Pasic (2010) asserts that she likes the religious teachings but does not like the discriminatory nature of religion. The society in which Pasic (2010) was brought up in a religious tolerant communist society and expected the peaceful coexistence would last forever but the society ended up suffering when the country was faced by religious conflicts. The conflicts made her join Islam and she says that what remains significant for her is promoting tolerant heritage and peaceful coexistence because she has experienced the holy grail of peaceful coexistence. There was genocide over Muslims and Pasic vows to defend and represent the many people who suffered the religious attacks. Pasic (2010) said that, â€Å"Because of genocide over Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, I feel compelled and obliged to belong, to defend and represent hundreds of thousands of victims of this incomprehensible war†. Pasic believes that religion contributed to tribulations that her communist country faced especially the killing of Muslims. It is indeed true that many people are intolerance of others simply because of religious differences. People belonging to one religion tend to force others to believe that their god or their belief is superior compared to others. This is hypocrisy because almost all religions do not act and do what they preach. I think love is a common virtue in all the religions but ironically, it is never shown or applied appropriately. Having a different viewpoint in life should not victimize an individual because there is freedom of worship. Currently, religion brings more problems in the world more than any other thing because of the differing beliefs and perception. Muslims complain of being

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Minimizing the risk of cold stress and thermoregulation in neonatal Essay

Minimizing the risk of cold stress and thermoregulation in neonatal children - Essay Example Any deviation from the normal values will influence the biochemical processes and will disturb the natural homeostasis presents within the cells of the human organism. The temperature of the body is divided in two parts: the temperature of the internal organs, known as the core temperature, and skin temperature. The temperature of the internal organs remains almost exactly constant, within a variation of 0.6 0C. Nevertheless, many healthy people whose temperature has been measured orally have shown a range of normal temperatures, varying from under 36 0C to over 37.5 0C. The average normal temperature of the internal organs is considered to be within the range of 36.6 to 37.5 0C if it's measured orally and 1 0C if it's measured rectally. Since the temperature regulatory systems of the body are not perfect, the body temperature varies in different situations, such as extreme exercise and extremes of temperature of surroundings. For example, during exercise, when excessive heat is produced, the temperature of the body can rise temporarily to as high as 38.5 to 40 0C. On the other hand, when the body is subjected to extreme cold, the temperature of t he body can often fall below 36 0C. The skin temperature, on the other hand, constantly varies, depending on the surroundings. This temperature is important when we take into account the ability of the skin to lose heat to the surroundings. As was stated before, the body's perfect functioning is dependent on maintain the balance, or homeostasis, in the organism. The control of body temperature is no different; in essence, it represents a balance between heat production of the body and heat loss. Logically, the rate of heat production that increases more than the loss of heat leads to elevated temperature of the body. If the loss of heat is greater, lowering of body temperature occurs. Heat production represents the principal by-product of metabolism. There are various factors that determine the rate of heat production, and these factors combined are named the metabolic rate of the body. According to Guyton and Hall (2000, p.822) the most important factors are the following: 1) Basal rate of metabolism of all the cells of the body 2) Extra rate of metabolism as a result of muscle contraction (this includes muscle contractions caused by shivering) 3) Extra metabolism caused by the effect of thyroxin (and to a smaller extend other hormones like growth hormone and testosterone) 4) Extra metabolism caused by the effect of epinephrine, norepinephrine and the sympathetic stimulation of the cells. 5) Extra metabolism caused by increased chemical activity in the cells, especially when the cell temperature increases. The main generators of heat in the body represent the internal organs, especially the liver, brain and heart, and in the skeletal muscles during exercise. From these organs the heat is transferred to the skin, where it is lost to the air and other surroundings. According to Guyton and Hall (2000, p.822) the rate at which the body heat is lost is determined by two factors: 1) How rapidly heat can be conducted from where it is produced in the body core to the skin 2) How rapidly heat can then be transferred from the skin to the surroundings. The insulator system of the body, that prevents the heat from

Monday, August 26, 2019

Extra credit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Extra credit - Essay Example This essay is going to examine the life experience of a schizophrenic patient as she narrated her ordeal through a book. Lori Schiller suffered from schizophrenia at a young age but it was only in her adult life when the disease became excessive. Eventually she underwent medical and rehabilitation and got well, after that she wrote a book titled, â€Å"The  Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness.† This book reveals the ordeal she underwent while she was suffering from schizophrenia and the book was assembled with the help of her doctor, family and friends. The story of Lori Schiller begins when she was a young girl growing up in a well to do family. Her sickness began at the age of seventeen when she was working as a camp counselor. Her sickness as is described in the book began with little voices inside her head. At first she never talked about the voices and suppressed what she felt. She went on to graduate from college and thereafter proceed to college. During her initial period of being sick, Lori did not believe that she was sick and neither did she know what she was sufferi ng from (Schiller, 1994). Lori did indeed suffer from schizoaffective since was bi-polar and at the same time schizophrenic. She also started experiencing hallucinations and this did affect her grades when she was in college. Her condition continued to worsen and she started having episodes of hallucinations making her to withdraw socially. Her social life was affected tremendously as witnessed by her testimony, â€Å"I was afraid they had heard the Voices and now knew the terrible secrets about me that they were revealing.† This shows that she avoided people and found it difficult to talk of her disease. Schizophrenic patients suffer from delusions and in most cases they are afraid to tell anyone about their problems. This is witnessed in Lori’s case when she talks of â€Å"Dr. Diane Fischer, my

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflective Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflective Analysis - Essay Example I succeeded in hanging the infusion and had it working properly with no hitches or messes. When I was preparing to leave the patient’s bedside, my instructor asked if I had forgotten something. I panicked silently in my head and mentally reenacted all the steps 4 more times. I paused before answering in the negative. The instructor asked me for a second time, and again I replied in the negative. The dialogue was repeated 2 more times before the patient finally turned to me and politely (and jokingly) quipped , â€Å"She’s obviously trying to tell you something†. I still couldn’t put my finger on it. My instructor said, â€Å"Well, great work on the IV, but if Mr. Green wants to get out of bed to use the restroom or anything else she will have to jump (and maybe fall).† I stared at the bed, and it was still at waist-height! I had become so engrossed in my task that I forgot that the instructor had raised his bed for the IV troubleshoot. I knew that something was amiss somewhere, but the dots wouldn’t connect. My instructor was not the type that corrected students just for the sake, so I immediately felt that I had made a mistake somewhere. The issue at hand was ethical because it was covered in the nursing handbook/code of ethics. As such, I had broken an ethical rule which required that a patient’s bed be lowered to its lowest or most appropriate setting. My values and beliefs in relation to this event are all related to my practice as a nurse. I believe that a nurse must observe the nursing code of ethics at all times. It is the guiding principle of the practice. The issue was a very serious one because it is clearly stipulated in the nursing code of ethics that the nurse must always make the patient feel safe and ensure the patient’s safety by doing things like lowering and raising the bed height as is required. In my case, the bed height had been temporarily raised by the instructor and I

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jean Tirole Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jean Tirole - Essay Example Most of the economists frequently regard fiercely competitive markets as the public interest. When the producers in the said markets fight to earn a profit or gains, they are guided, as if by an invisible hand, in delivering high quality at the lowest cost possible. But most the industries are not competitive, and due to the lack of competition, there is the need for intervention the public’s interest. Competition policies and theories of regulation are aimed at providing useful scientific guidance in such interventions. Stigler George was awarded a Prize in Economic Sciences in 1982 â€Å"for his seminal studies in functioning of markets, industrial structures, and the causes and effects of public regulations†; however the study did not cater for the rapidly developing, revolutionary, industrial organization (IO) field. Jean Tirole is the best among the contributors to the analytical revolution; he has enhanced the understanding of the IO in general, and particularly the optimal policy interventions. The theoretical advancements, by Tirole, are in line with great public-policy interest, for example, in the 1980s and 1990s most of the countries pursued pro-competitive liberalization and regulatory reforms. The European Union (EU) came up with a single market; new issues sprung and could not be fruitfully analyzed with the existing theories, Stigler George, and others; the EU analysis required synchronization of the oligopoly theory contract theory, the principal-agent, with combination of industrial economics combined with public economics. Jean Tirole’s expertise covered all the above fields, hence was ideally positioned at making a lasting contribution (Tirole & Lerner, 2013). Tirole created a synchronized framework used in regulation and IO theory, based on a thorough analysis of information and strategic behavior economics. He consistently extracted his results from the fundamental

Friday, August 23, 2019

The role of the HR function Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The role of the HR function - Assignment Example Self development plan not only provides the self reflection but it also sets the path straight in terms of career Personal development program is very important. It provides the framework to the individual to conduct personal self assessment and identify his strengths and weaknesses. It helps in charting out the guideline to optimize and capitalize on the existing capabilities and determine the future path. It helps in identifying the areas of development and ways to enhance capabilities and knowledge and helps in deciding and developing a clear picture of the future in terms of career. Personal development plan is geared towards progress of both personality and self. A clear analysis of existing capabilities and desired ones helps in boosting self esteem and a clear picture of the future enable to add appropriate qualifications especially when you are vying for higher position (Attwood, 2005). This paper aims at creating my own personal development plan in the light of the different theories of personality, learning and leadership. Personal Development Plan A personal development plan consists of the following major steps. 1. What is my current state 2. What is my desired state 3. How do I get there? What is needed 4. ... So it is beneficial to identify the personality type first using the Myers Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI). MBTI It is one of the best known and most widely used for identifying personality and learning style. MBTI identifies the psychological type on four different scales namely Extraversion Vs Introversion (E-I), Sensing Vs Intuition (S-I), Thinking vs. Feelings (T-F) and Judging vs. perceiving (Gardner, 2009). The E-I indicator shows whether the energy and attention primarily comes from inside or from outside events. S-I indicators shows how the individual perceive the world and take the information whether directly from the five senses i.e. sensing or indirectly by using intuition. T-I indicator shows preferences in decision making either logical and rational or subjective values like based on like and dislike. The last indicator is J-P that shows individual’s choice whether to use judging or perceptive attitude for dealing with the environment (Knights et al 2007). I took MBT I online test to identify my personality. The test identified my personality type as ESFP. It shows I am an extrovert and I have the following characteristics sociable, outgoing, talkative, gregarious, active, optimist and impulsive. In my perceptions I rely on my five senses. Both of them are my strengths. However in my judgments I am not rational and logical and mostly make judgments based on my likes and dislike. That is a weakness. My attitude in dealing with the environment is based on perception rather than judging, it can also be considered a weakness (Ewing, 2006) Learning Style There are six types of learning styles namely reading, writing, listening, speaking, visualizing and manipulating. No one style is better than the other. Generally people use the learning style

Corticosteroids use Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Corticosteroids use - Coursework Example These effects may affect the overall mental state of an individual. The registered nurse should have a comprehensive understanding of the side effects and bodily changes that arise from the long-term use of corticosteroids as well as their interactions with other drugs. Such knowledge enables the nurse to develop a customized patient care plan. For example, the nurse can change the dosage to the lowest dose that achieves the desired therapeutic target. The nurse can also provide the drug in the form of inhalants, intra-articular injection or topical to minimize the systemic upshots (Burke, 2015). When preparing to interact with the patient, the nurse should have empathy and find a comforting way of relaying the truth to the patient. The nurse should make the patient understand that she needs corticosteroids for the rest of her life due to her chronic condition and that stopping the usage of the drugs will have adverse effects on her health. The nurse should be prepared to educate the patient regarding the inevitable side effects of corticosteroids and how to deal with them. However, the nurse should be prepared to guide the patient in the usage of the drugs to minimize the side effects. Burke, S. (2015). Long-term corticosteroid use: An overview of side effects and nursing interventions. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gabriel urbain faure And His requiem mass Essay Example for Free

Gabriel urbain faure And His requiem mass Essay â€Å"Gabriel Faure is regarded as the master of the French art song, or melodie. His works ranged from Classical, when in his early years he emulated the style of Haydn and Mendelssohn, to Romantic, and finally to an ascetic 20th century aesthetic† (â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). Gabriel Urbain Faure was born in 1845 in a town called Pamiers. It has been said that even at an early age, his potentials as a musician were already evident and noticeable. It was not given much attention by his parents, because at that time, they were in the belief that sending Faure to school to receive formal learning was of more importance. In fact, it was Faure’s teacher that noted his talents in music. Consequently, this teacher suggested to Faure’s parents that their child be sent to Paris to study in Niedermeyer, a religious music school. From the age of nine, Faure studied music at the Ecole Niedermeyer, the ‘Ecole de musique religieuse et classique’, where Saint-Saens was a member of staff. Saint-Saens had been lifelong friends with Faure and later said that he owed everything to him, introducing him not only to traditional music and composers such as Mozart and Bach but also to controversial composers such as Wagner whom he admired, but was one of few composers of his generation not to come under his influence and also Lizst. Saint-Saens encouraged and helped him to get his music published. From then on, he was able to meet and encounter different individuals who played major roles in the life of Faure. He served as an organist in one of the churches in Rennes. Then, in 1870, â€Å"the Franco-Prussian War broke out and Faure was enlisted into the First Regiment of the Imperial Light Infantry as a messenger† (Martin, â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). After the war, Faure was once again an organist, but in another church this time. When Saint-Saens retired in 1877 Faure took over his post as choirmaster. Faure would remain at the Madeleine for almost 20 years. He also taught composition at the Paris Conservatoire, becoming director in 1905, and his pupils included Maurice Ravel and Nadia Boulanger. Gabriel Faure’s Music A perusal of different accounts concerning the life and music of Gabriel Faure would show that he always strived to be different. For instance, in the field of music, regardless of how popular a type of music was, Faure will come in and try to change it, in order for the same to reflect his views and emotions; he wanted to be unique and different from the usual. The subtlety of Faure’s music, and his concentration on the small-scale, led many to criticise him for lacking depth, a judgement based on the mistaken premise that the bigger and bolder a composer’s music the more worthwhile it must be (Bawden J. â€Å"Gabriel Faure). As to what Faure found himself interested in in the field of music, it has been said that The majority of Faures piano music up to 1871 had mainly been romantic songs. Poems by Hugo, Gautier, and Baudelaire, had been recommended to him by his teachers. His early songs hint at his developing originality but were written in the strict classical style he had learned in school. It was characteristic of Faure, however, to constantly renew himself in his compositions. He always wanted to try something new, something different that no one else had done; and he never followed the fads of his day, prefering instead to follow his heart. Thus his songs show a continuous personal and unique evolution (Martin, â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). It is this courage of his to change things, however, that made him face certain setbacks in his career when he joined the Madeleine as its choirmaster. There are individuals in his field who were not in favor of the changes that Gabriel Faure was introducing into the system. As a choirmaster, Faure would always find himself in disagreement with members of the clergy. â€Å"The clergy were only concerned with keeping the congregation happy; and so their musical preferences were for popular, operatic-styled church music that was all the rage, rather than for enlightening religious music† (Martin, â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). Hence, it was quite difficult for Faure to introduce the changes that he wanted. As will be discussed further, Gabriel Faure’s most popular work which depicts his love for uniqueness is his Requiem Mass, which totally differs from the traditional Requiem. In fact, In Armand Vivets book on French sacred music he wrote of the first performance, Immediately the ceremony was over. The vicar called Faure into the sacristy and questioned him as follows: What was that mass for the dead youve just conducted? It was a requiem of my own composition. Monsieur Faure, we dont need all these novelties; the Madeleines repertoire is quite rich enough, just content yourself with that. Family and Marriage Gabriel Faure was once engaged to Marianne Viadot. In 1877, Faure asked for Marianne’s hand in marriage. It took quite a while, but eventually, the lady gave a positive response to the proposal posted by the bachelor. The problem was Marianne kept on postponing the date of their wedding, and â€Å"this continued delay was more than Faure could handle and he complained vehemently. Marianne used his outburst of frustration as an excuse to break off their engagement for good† (Martin, â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). True, the failed engagement to Marianne Viardot made Gabriel Faure sad and depressed, but later on, he would find himself recovering from this hurdle and agreeing to his friend, Marguerite Baugnies’ suggestion of being in an arranged marriage. Mme. Baugnies found three possible young ladies who belonged to the artistic world: the daughters of Octave Feuillet and George Feydeau who were both writers; and the daughter of Emmanuel Fremiet, a well-known sculptor of the day. Unable to make up his mind, Faure hastily wrote the names down on slips of paper, placed them in a hat, and randomly picked Marie Fremiet, daughter of the sculptor. After a brief engagement, the wedding took place on March 27th, 1883 in Paris. (Martin, â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). In 1883 Faure married Marie Fremiet, with whom he had two sons. In order to support his family Faure spent most of his time in organising daily services at the Eglise de la Madeleine and teaching piano and harmony lessons. He only had time to compose during the summers. He earned almost no money from his compositions because his publisher bought them, copyright and all, for 50 francs each. During this period Gabriel Faure wrote several large scale works, in addition to many piano pieces and songs, but he destroyed many of them after a few performances, only retaining a few movements in order to re-use motives(â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). It could be his unique way of choosing his bride that led to an unhappy marriage. Later on, he would find out that he didn’t really share much in common with his wife. They talked less and grew apart despite being gifted with two children. In an account by Martin, she said that the couple would write each other letters to communicate even both of them were in one and the same city. The Latter Part of Faure’s Life â€Å"The last two decades of Gabriel Faures life were marked by his steady rise to fame, his increasing health problems, and the new love in his life. After serving as choirmaster for nineteen years, he became organist at the Madeleine in 1896. In the same year he also became Professor of Composition at the Paris Conservatoire† (Martin, â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). After his stint as organist, he joined the Paris Conservatoire as its director. It could be said that his success would have continued further, if not for the health problems that Faure had been experiencing. In 1902, Faure was having problems with is hearing. Martin would say that this problem was hereditary as Faure’s brother also had the same problem. His hearing problem, however, was not an obstacle to his finding another chance to love again. The output of Faure had greatly reduced because of his responsibilities at the conservatoire combined with his loss of hearing . during the World War I, he remained in France and retired from the Conservatoire at the age of 75. in the same year he received the Grand-Croix of the Legion d’Honneur, an honor rare for a musician. â€Å"In 1900 at the premiere of Promethee, Faure met and fell in love with Marguerite Hasselmans. She was born in 1876 and even though Faure was the same age as her father, nevertheless, they stayed together until the end of his life in 1924† (Martin, â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). Gabriel Faure died in Paris from pneumonia in 1924. He was given a state funeral at the Eglise de la Madeleine and is buried in the Cimetiere de Passy in Paris (â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). Legacy as a Composer and Music Teacher Aside from his numerous musical masterpieces described as elegant, introspective and intimate, Faure made an enormous mark on his younger contemporaries as an influential teacher and mentor. One of his students, Nadia Boulanger, herself known arguably as the greatest classical music teacher of all-time, is an achievement enough. Among other distinguished composition students are Ravel, Koechlin and Enescu (â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). â€Å"Although he wrote several works involving a full orchestra, his particular talent lay within the more intimate musical forms – songs, piano music and chamber music. His somewhat austere style and highly individual, impressionistic harmonic language contrasts markedly with the music of the Austro-German tradition which dominated European music from the time of Beethoven until well into the twentieth century†(Bawden, â€Å"Requiem†). â€Å"Gabriel Faure served as inspiration for crafting flexibility into their works. As performers, teachers, talented administrators, and church musicians they understood the fine art of composing pearls with limited forces which could then be jeweled for the concert hall† (McCauley M. , â€Å"Requiem†). The Requiem Mass of Faure â€Å"The Requiem flourished during the Renaissance period, despite during the 14th century when the Roman church limited the amount of times the Requiem was performed and of what chants it consisted† (Green, â€Å"The Requiem Mass†). As earlier pointed out, Faure’s love for trying out new things is best mirrored in his Requiem Mass. His Requiem Mass is different from the traditional Requiem being played in the chapels and churches and that time. â€Å"By the time of the first performance, on January 16 1888, there were five movements: an Introit and Kyrie, the Sanctus, Pie Jesu, Agnus Dei, and In Paradisum. To perform the work, Faure called for a mixed choir with divided tenors and basses, a soprano soloist, an orchestra of low strings (violas, cellos, and double basses), harp, timpani, and organ, with a violin solo in the Sanctus. He added an Offertoire in 1889, and added a setting of the Libera Me that he had written for baritone and organ some twelve years earlier. He added horns, trumpets, and trombones to the orchestra, and a baritone soloist, and this version was first performed at the Madeleine in January of 1893† (â€Å"Chorale Music Notes†). Compared to the Missa pro defunctis, Faure changed portions of the text in his setting of the Requiem Mass. In the Libera me and Offertory for example, he left out certain words or repeated others so that the movement became more musically balanced and the words more clearly heard. The Libera me and In Paradisum actually dont belong to the Missa pro defunctis but to the Office for the Dead. Libera me is the prayer for absolution which follows the Requiem Mass; and the In Paradisum is spoken outside the church at the moment of burial. The use of this last text in particular shows how much Faure wanted to break from tradition (Martin, â€Å"Gabriel Faure†). The most important feature of the Requiem mass is the reflection of the emotions and views of Faure towards the idea of death. Faure was recorded to have said My Requiem has been said to express no fear of death; it has been called a lullaby of death. But that is how I feel about death; a happy deliverance, a reaching for a happy deliverance, rather than a mournful passing Perhaps I have sought to depart from what is conventional because for so long I was organist at services of interment. Im fed up with that. I wanted to do something different (â€Å"Requiem-Gabriel Faure†). This kind of view made his Requiem lack the vibe of sadness and terror. In fact, some writers would say that there is a certain tone of sweetness in Faure’s Requiem, something that one cannot normally expect from any form of music associated with death. As confirmed by Bawden, †the prevailing mood is one of peacefulness and serenity, and the work has often been described, quite justly, as a Requiem without the Last Judgement† (â€Å"Requiem†). Faure originally designed this work to be functional for church services with appropriately conservative accompaniment: the organ supplemented by harp, tympani and strings generally omitting violins except in the Sanctus. The technique of backing off the violins for a more somber effect may have been an idea borrowed from Brahms (McCauley, â€Å"Requiem†). Besides numerous motets and a mass written for liturgical use, theres no question that Gabriel Faures best known choral work is the Messe de Requiem. Written between 1887 and 1890, the Requiem was written not for the death of his father, but as another experiment in Faures endless quest to write music that was new and different (â€Å"Requiem†). Despite the discouraging start, Faures Requiem did become popular during his lifetime and was played throughout Europe. Today it is still very popular and has been recorded more than any of his other works. REFERENCE Martin, S. â€Å" Gabriel Faure- A Biography†. http://w3. rz-berlin. mpg. de/cmp/faure. html Green, A. â€Å"The Requiem Mass† http://classicalmusic. about. com/od/classicalmusic101/a/requiemmass. htm â€Å"Online Guide to Requiem† http://requiemonline. tripod. com/ â€Å"Faure, Gabriel- Biography†. http://www. naxos. com/composerinfo/Gabriel_Faure/26049. htm â€Å"Requiem†. http://www. classiccat. net/faure_g/biography. htm â€Å"Gabriel Faure†. http://www. basicfamouspeople. com/index. php? aid=4340 Asiado, T. (2008). â€Å"Gabriel Faure Brief Biography†. http://great-teachers. suite101. com/article. cfm/gabriel_faure_brief_biography â€Å"Masses of Requiem†. http://www. newadvent. org/cathen/12776d. htm â€Å"Requiem†. http://requiemonline. tripod. com/history/masshistory. htm â€Å"Chorale Music Notes†. http://members. macconnect. com/users/j/jimbob/classical/Faure_Requiem. html â€Å"Gabriel Faure- Requiem†. http://www. beijingifc. org/index. php? option=com_contenttask=viewid=28Itemid=36 â€Å"Requiem†. http://www. orbilat. com/Encyclopaedia/R/Requiem. html Bawden, J. (2006). â€Å"Gabriel Faure- Requiem†. http://www. choirs. org. uk/prognotes/faure%20requiem. htm McCauley, M. â€Å"Requiem†. http://www. halway. com/mchorale/faure/program. html

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Origin Of Man Is The Subject Religion Essay

The Origin Of Man Is The Subject Religion Essay What is man?   asked David in his Psalms thousands of years ago.  It is striking that the relevance of this question has not decreased in the twentieth and twenty first centuries.  Whether a man is only an animal or, maybe, he is just a complex combination of chemical compounds, or, maybe, he is much more than all this, some great creation? The desire to know the history of mans origin is quite natural, as people have not always existed on the Earth.  That is why, the problem of Creation and understanding of human nature is central problem of people of all ages.  This question can be considered from different perspectives: from the standpoint of theology, religion, anthropology, philosophy and history. Views and ideas on the origins of humanity The origin of  man  is the subject of  speculation  since ancient times and  led to the emergence  of  various  myths in different people,  who believed that  the first humans  were created by gods from stones,  animals, etc.  The ancient  Greek thinkers  had different views on the origin of man:  some  believed that man  is eternal, second believed that he was born from marine  sediments.  With  the spread of  Christianity people  accepted the idea that  man was  created  and  inspired  by God. Many people believed  that a man  is  the most highly developed  animal,  the top of  the evolution of the animal  world, he  is mortal,  and  his  life  has no  higher  meaning.  Others believe  that  man  is not  the top,  but  only  a very  selfish  animal  who tends  to  pleasure and enjoyment. So, humans belong to the natural world, until the physical and chemical processes in their body depend on nature.   If we consider the philosophical approach, then we need first to say that in humans there is an element that is above the natural world.  There are different views on this, as, for example, Greek philosophers said this element was mind, and Aristotle proposed a definition of man as a rational animal.  (Stevenson 2004) But  most  important  is  the fact  of  human  consciousness that  elevates  him  above the natural world.  Ã‚  Human consciousness is ascension  of naturalism in the understanding of man, since he is not only a natural being, but also a spiritual being. (Wilson 2004) In the XVIII century, many thinkers (such as Lord Monboddo, Herder, Rousseau, Kant, etc.) suggested the evolution of man from the great apes in savages, and later in modern humans.  In a more clear way this idea was developed by Lamarck in the beginning of the XIX century in his Zoological Philosophy.   Later t theory  of development and evolution  in various  forms  has been  to explain  various scientists. Those who support this theory believe that man was not created by anyone, but occurred in the development of lower organisms.  For example, the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck said that some species of monkeys, under unfavorable conditions of existence, were to descend from the trees and acquired the habit of walking on two feet. Bipedalism led to strong changes of the body, and quadrumanous monkey turned into bipedal, who gradually settled around the Earth. Gradually in new species began to developed the consciousness (Bowler, 2003). The theory of evolution has become one of the most prevalent theories of human origins.  Ã‚  This theory was developed by Ch. Darwin, who introduced the history of development of the organic world of the Earth carried by the interaction of three main factors: variability, heredity and natural selection.  Evolutionary theory suggests that man evolved from apes, being changed under the influence of external factors and natural selection. The evolutionary theory of anthropogenesis is supported with a large number of facts paleontological, archaeological, biological, genetic, cultural, psychological, and others.  However, many of these proofs may be interpreted ambiguously, allowing opponents of evolutionary theory to challenge it. Biblical  Creation of  the world The Bible tells that a man was created in Gods will and in accordance with His plan (Gen.1: 26).  In the all-powerful Word of God was hidden a great creative force to create the world, and then a men.  When God created a man he said: Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in  The Image Of God  created He him; male and female created He them. (Genesis 1:26-27 KJV) A man was created in a special act, and, unlike the animals, in the image of God, that means a man is intelligent, free, creative and moral personality. Like God, man is gifted with the following qualities: Creativity (Genesis 2:20); The mind and the ability to cognition (Genesis 2 :19-20, Col.1: 9; Rim.12: 2;); Willy (Luk.23: 25; 2Petr.1: 21); The ability to choose and evaluate (Genesis 2: 17; 13:11); The ability to love (Genesis 2: 24). ( McFarland 2009) A man  is the image  and  likeness of  God, is  a spiritual being,  rising  over  the natural  and  social  world,  and  able  to transform it and  dominate  over  it. In Genesis 2 we can  learn more about how  man and  woman were created  : And The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul And The Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him And The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which The Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (Genesis 2:7,18,21-23) That is,  the biblical  interpretation of  creation of man  is the most  common  that is primarily  due to  the important  role of  religion  in  peoples lives. Biblical  Creation  is very  important for  people, as it  defines the  essence of  man:  Man  is not  just  a body, and  he  was created  in  the image  of  God and for eternal  communion with  God.  This means  that  people are  moral  and  spiritual  creatures with  the ability  to trust,  to choose  to love, etc.  Creation  is the basis  for  our  worship  to God and  His  worship:  Let them praise the  name of the  Lord,  for he commanded, and they were created  (Psalm  148:5).  Thus,  worship  is a gratitude  to the Creator. ( McFarland 2009) At the present  time,  we can  hear  that the question  of creation of humanity is asked rather  strictly: either the  idea of Creation or  the theory of evolution.  However,  such a  statement  seems  incorrect, since  many modern  scholars  note  that the  idea  of Creation  of humanity by God,  the Creator, does not deny  the scientific theories. The religious world does not contradict the scientific, that can be proved by the fact that many prominent world scientists were deeply religious people: for example, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Mikhail Lomonosov, Pavlov, Albert Einstein.  That is, the science also does not deny the idea of the Creation of humanity by God. Conclusion Each of the ideas, assumptions and theories about the origin of humanity has a right to exist and has its supporters.  Yet, the biblical Creation of the world and man is the most important for people, regardless of their scientific views.  The idea of mans creation by God is the basis of religion and faith of millions of people, the basis of their ideology and view on all the existence of humanity.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Background Of Toyota Motor Company Limited Management Essay

Background Of Toyota Motor Company Limited Management Essay Since it was founded in 1937, Toyota Motor Company has contributed to the development of the automobile industry and society by providing people with quality vehicles. TMC manufactures automobiles in 25 countries and regions all over the world. Today, its vehicles are sold in more 160 nations worldwide under the brand names of Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu, and Hino, manufacturing small cars to luxury sedans, full-sized pickup trucks, and crossover vehicles. This report is mainly focusing on the human resource management system of Toyota Motor. The major issues like technological issues of HRMS, change management and innovation to management style of Toyota Motor Company in detail. It also depicts the relation between the human resource management system and among these key issues in the context of Toyota motor company. Technological changes in HRMS of Toyota include the recruitment and selection process of Toyota and different techniques how to motivate and encourage employees towards the objectives and goals of organization. In change management an example of change management has been explain about the Toyota Motor and different styles of management which are used in Toyota are also describe in detail and some techniques which Toyotas management is using to control and directing its employees. Some recommendations are given at the end of the report on those areas where Toyota needs some improvements. Background of Toyota Motor Company Limited Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. (TMC) was first established in 1937 as a separated company from Toyoda Automobile Loomworks, the leading manufacturing of weaving machinery. The Toyota Automobile Loomworks was then headed by Sakichi Toyoda, the king of investors (Schewe, Charles and Hiam, Alexander, 1998). The giant automaker faced its one and only strike in 1950. This event, however, supplied Toyota an important philosophy, giving it the labour and management system which helped Toyota to gain mutual growth and success in both domestic and overseas markets. Today, this philosophy is very important to the structure of Toyota. Toyotas production system improved in the late 1950s, establishing the Toyota Production System. This system became the major factor in the reduction of inventories and defect in the plants of Toyota and its suppliers. It also underpinned all of Toyotas operations across the world. It launched its first small cars in 1947. The operation outside Japan started in 1959 in Brazil and continued with growing network of foreign plants. Toyota celebrated its 60th anniversary in August 1997. It believes that its local production can provide customers with the productions they need, giving it the stable and long-term growth. It also has a global network of design and research and development facilities, consisting Japan, North America, and Europe markets (Schewe, Charles and Hiam, Alexander, 1998). Toyota is at rank 8 in fortune global 500 2007 companies of the world Toyota Motor Company is committed to the principle of Equal Opportunities by providing fair and equitable treatment to all individuals and applicants. Toyota seeks to abide by the intent as well as the letter of appropriate legislation in these matters and Toyota management team is committed to the promotion of and adherence to the Equal Opportunities Policy. . Why Toyota Motor need Innovation and Change? Any organization needs change for some reason. It may be for its survival if business is not doing well or may be business wants to attain competitive advantage. Sometimes this change is required due to the external pressure like mergers or change in any legislation. Overall change is for the benefit of the business and their employees. There are so many reasons for the Toyota for the innovation and change which are: Reduced Sales Customer Turnover Employee Turnover Loan Repayment Investments in a new project Extension of Organization i.e. overseas business Need for Technology Core Competence Customer Value Creation Basic Issues to Toyota Motor Company In the past, Toyota was not giving much attention to its Human Resource management system but now it is known that success of the Toyota is more dependant on its employees rather than on any thing else. Toyota Motor also believes its employees are assets for them and sometimes they give more attention to the employees than customers. They believe on the philosophy that organization with more satisfied employees having more satisfied customers. So now, It is necessary for the Toyota to choose the right employee for the right job. Because one wrong decision regarding selection of the employee will harm Toyota till that employee will work on that job. The three most vital issues related to HRMS of Toyota includes Technological Changes in HRMS of Toyota Innovation to Management Styles of the Toyota HRMS Change Management perspective of Toyota HRMS Technological Changes in HRMS of Toyota In this competitive environment of global business, it was very difficult for Toyota Motor Company to remain always competitive and managed profitable relationship with the customers. Toyota Motor is the 3rd best automobile corporation of the world and it always needs innovation (Ronald J. Burke, Cary L. Cooper, 2006). Innovation can be in any form or in any field e.g. it can be in the design, production processes, quality, product, managing human resource effectively etc. in this report main focus will be on the human resource management system of the Toyota. The solution of technological changes in HRMS of Toyota includes: Innovation in recruitment and selection process How Can Toyota maintains employees satisfaction and low employees turnover Innovation in recruitment and selection process of Toyota With the passage of time, so many technological changes have also come into the recruitment and selection process of the Toyota. Now for the selection of employees Toyota gives special attention. Because finding right employee for the any position is necessary for the Toyota Motors (R. L. Compton, Alan R. Nankervis, 2008). The first step in the process of acquiring the human resource for the Toyota is to specify the kind of work which will be done by the employees. Job analysis and job design are the process used to determine this Job Analysis Job Design Training of Employees Job Analysis Job Analysis means gathering the pertinent information regarding the nature of the specific job. It is determining the tasks that comprise the job which includes skills, qualification, abilities and experience of the employees (Ronald J. Burke, Cary L. Cooper, 2006). Now job analysis is must for every job in Toyota Motor. Job analysis serves as foundation of the every human resource functions. Products of job Analysis Job description: means written synopsis of nature of the job. Job specification: means description of competencies, educational, and experience qualification the incumbent must possess to perform the job. Job Analysis Method Different methods are used by the Toyota for the job analysis which are: Observation (Motion and time study, Work Sampling) Interview Questionnaires Functional job Analysis Job Design Job Design is the process of structuring work and designing work for the specific job in Toyota. Job design gives the answers to basic questions of how the job is performed, who is to perform. Both job analysis and job design are linked with each other. Two dimensions of job design include job scope and job depth (Ronald J. Burke, Cary L. Cooper, 2006). Job scope refers to the number and variety of tasks performed by the jobholder in the Toyota Motor Company. In Toyotas working environment most jobs have high job scope. In a job with less scope, jobholder has to performed few tasks. Low job scope can be the reason for dissatisfaction of the particularly job. Job depth refers to the freedom of the job holders to plan and organize their own work. Toyotas management gives freedom to its employees up to his control or limit and works at your own pace and communicates according to your need (R. L. Compton, Alan R. Nankervis, 2008) Training of the employees After selecting the employees, Toyota arranged training activities for its employees. To get this training is compulsory in Toyota. This training is very helpful for the employees and it takes less time to learn the employees lots of things than learning on job from own experience. Toyota Motor used different methods for the training of its employees like some lectures and training classes are arranged for them or give them on job training with the senior members who are having vast experience and can help the employees in its training. Job rotation is another term which is used for learning and developing new skills of the employees. How Toyota can maintain employees satisfaction and low employees turnover In managing human resource of the Toyota effectively the first step is to select the right employee for the right position. For this right selection of employees, it is necessary for Toyota to use new innovative techniques for selection of employees, compensating and rewarding to employees. Because job satisfaction is the most important variable and Toyotas success is dependant on its employees. So, Toyota always follows the innovative techniques for managing its human resource. Satisfied and committed employees are asset for the Toyota. It has seen organization with more satisfied employees perform better than other whose are not satisfied. So, Toyotas success or failure also depends on its employees satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Organization whose employees are dissatisfied with their jobs cost too much to the organization. Mostly they will be absent from the work or might quarrel with the co-workers .These employees do not take interest in their job which affects the overall pr oductivity of the organization and ultimately organization will suffer. There are so many reasons for their dissatisfaction; it can be the environmental conditions in which they work, Nature of the work like repetition etc. There are different techniques which are used to make employee satisfied and ultimately low employees turnover which are: HR Development Career Development Motivation HR DEVELOPMENT Skills and knowledge of staff is crucial for Toyotas innovation process. Most of the innovation ideas are come through the employees of the Toyota Motor. But the time is changing so quickly that every technology and change becomes obsolete in no time. It is important for the Toyota that its employees remain up-to-date with the knowledge and changes to compete in the industry Career Development It is the duty of the Toyotas management to provide the growth opportunities to its employees. Career development is an ongoing process that focusing on the developing and enriching the organizations human resource in the light of both employee and organization need. It is also the responsibility of the Toyotas employee himself to think about his career development. It is something which one can not do for others. It has to come from the individual himself. Toyota also helps, guide and provides opportunities to its employees. MOTIVATION Motivation is a feeling of satisfaction and commitment towards its goals and objectives. This is an internal psychological state which determines the action of the person. Employees are motivated via different ways .It is important for Toyota to give much attention to the needs of its employees and keep moving in the desire direction. Toyota enhances its employees motivation through two basic ways: Financial Non-financial Financial motivators Toyotas financial motivators are connected to the monetary need of the employees which includes salary system, bonuses, and allowances etc. which have usually short term effect on the employees. Base salary: A person is paid a salary for the job he/she is doing in a specific time. In Toyota, persons basic salary depends upon his knowledge, skills, qualification and competencies of the employee. Basic salary should be compatible with the job. It is required for the Toyota to give the compatible salary to its employees which keep them motivated and committed. Variable pay Sometimes Toyota gives incentives to employees to enhance or improve the performance of the employees focusing on the specific targets or projects. Financial rewards provide financial recognition to people. Extra money is given to the employee for their achievements. Benefits are also given to the employees for their well being which includes contribution to pension fund, health insurance schemes, life insurance, loan with no interest or lower interest rate, free use of products or services of the company, etc. Allowances for relocation, transportation, subsistence, accommodation, recreation, etc      Non-financial motivation techniques The most important technological changes which are used by the Toyota to motivate its employees include non-financial motivation techniques. These non- financial motivators are very effective it cost nothing to the Toyota but depend on the willingness of pertinent managers to pay more attention to their staff. These non financial motivators are connected to the work itself and having a longer term effect. Non financial motivators are honors, self respect, Change Management perspective of Toyota HRMS Change Management as it seems made up of two words Change plus Management. Change means to transform while management means the art of controlling, leading, organizing and decision making. So apparently change management means the art of controlling, leading, organization and decision making in the transformation process (J Dawkins, 2007) More precisely, in the context of Toyota Motor, we can define change management as systematic methodology of changing the individuals, teams and organizations from current state to the desired state. This change may or may not include all the employees of an organization. In the case Development of new system was very crucial for Toyota Motor. Company was using old system but new computerized system was needed. And Toyota was facing problems in changing the old system due to its employees behavior (Chaffey D, 2004) Change Management process Change Management process includes the Toyota context, pace and scale of change, people management, change management content plan page and implementation of plan In Toyotas Context In Toyota Motor company, management decided to change its old manual accounting system with new computerized system. Toyota Company needed the new computerized system for the following reason: Toyota Motor wanted to increase its efficiency in doing business and also wanted to gain competitive advantage over its competitor. For the development of new system company took the services of the other organization (J Dawkins, 2007) The new system was after the stage of successful testing was almost complete and the only problem for Toyota was the implementation because its workers who were resisting this new change they were thinking that after the development of the new system they will have problem to use it and they have to made major adjustment even layoffs are expected as a result of new system in reality company was predicting for the growth they were planning for product development and wanted to add new models and staff for managing this growth (Ayse Saka, 2003). After this implementation of new system lots of employees of Toyota was thinking about the early retirement. Pace and Scale of Change in Toyota Motor Company In pace and scale of change business needs to know that how many people are affected with the development of the new system. For this organization can choose different ways that how they will know about these affected employees because this new system had been used by the same people there was very high cost attached with the new system so Toyota Motor needed to know exactly about the number of people who are affected and how often they had to change their attitudes and behavior. Toyota should know the time period in which the old system will be replaced by the new computerized system (Joel Oleson, 2009) For this change Toyota needs a sponsor and best person fits to this role are senior and as well as influential personality of the Toyota. This was the first step for the Toyota to identify the sponsor next step was to identify champions and change agent who will bring this new change system in the organization. People Management in Toyota In the new system development process at Toyota the most complicated stage in the process was people management. This is the most difficult process of development of new system. Because people are the final user for this new system in this case Toyota was facing some challenges as their employees were not favoring the new system due to some future doubts e.g. they were feeling their selves insecure that this new system will be harm for them (Joel Oleson, 2009) It will not in the benefit of them. There are so many ways organization can manage this issue of contradiction (Ayse Saka, 2003). First it is the responsibility of the Toyotas management to tell about the change to its employees who will be affected by this new system. They should be aware of about this system before its starting so, then these hurdles do not exist. Now proper coaching is required for the employees who will use this new system. They should be trained and learned to use new system. Toyota should communicate new systems benefits and new opportunities which will arise due to implementation of the new system to the employees like presentations, road shows; team briefing and regular meeting of the senior employee would be called and arranged for the employees. Toyotas Change Management Plan Contents Page Change management is a very difficult process that demands a proper step by step process for the change in a firm or organization. It has been often found that employees resist to the change management process a lot. Same as the case of Toyota Motor which wanted to implement a change within the organization and was facing resistance from his employees. Change management plan contents page includes: Initial Knowledge Implementation Plan of Toyota Initial Knowledge For Toyota initial knowledge is called as the foundation to the change process. Toyota Motor believes, when they have a strong introduction to your change requirements, they can have a first impact on the stakeholders who may be the cause of the resistance to the change. The more impressive the introduction to the problem and the change need, you have the most chances of the success in the change management (Ayse Saka, 2003). An introduction is the part of the change process in which you introduce the objectives, needs, rules and policies and deliver change effectiveness. Implementation Plan of Toyota For Toyota Implementation plan in the change process works as the milestones towards Toyotas destination. In the plan first Toyota management sets its milestones so that they may not lose their track from the change process. Plan has a significant importance (Chaffey D, 2004) .It helps the people, technology, process, and the change implementers like Toyota Motor Company define the service, reduce ambiguity in the change process and it also help to mitigate conflicts within the firm where change needs to be implemented. Communication Whenever a change is required, the change management team is required to seek, produce and properly communicate the evidences to Toyotas management in support to the change. Taking employees in confidence has a great importance for Toyota, as the change is mostly not implemented due to the resistance from the employees (Helen Taylor, Cary L. Cooper, 1998) .And to get their support, it is widely required the good communications of the evidences to the support of change. Because if the employees will understand the benefits and reasons behind change, they will respond positively. Implementation plan includes: Readiness measurement By Toyota Involvement of employees Training Readiness measurement by Toyota Along with the strong communication, Toyota Motor also measures the readiness to use the change in the daily operations. If the staff will see it more ambiguous and difficult to implement, they will deny accepting change as it will not be secure to them. It may harm their performance that will impact on their jobs too. The experts in new system may replace them. So they will never accept the change. But if they find the system is easy to use and change, then most staff will embrace changes for the long term security. Involvement of employees Keeping the involvement of the staff and employees in the change process is also an important step for Toyota. If you keep their opinion and suggestions in the changing process, you may face very less probability of the resistance from them. It will give them an affiliation with the change process (Helen Taylor, Cary L. Cooper, 1998). They will consider the success of the change as their success. Keeping them aware and involve also keep them aware what is going on so that there would be less chances of negative words of mouth and rumors. Training The new systems and the changing should have training sessions for the employees who are use to the older systems and the business environment. The training sessions should be conducted by Toyota so that it may reduce the resistance, to increase efficiency and to avoid any risk in the stoppage of the production, jammed processes or other factors related to the less knowledge for the new systems (Chaffey D, 2004). Innovation to Management Styles of the Toyota HRMS Different management styles are used in Toyota to manage its workforce. These styles are dependent on the on various factors e.g. culture of Toyota, nature of the task, skills, qualification of the employees, nature of the leaders (Kotter, J. and Schlesinger, L. 2003). Style of leader depends on all these factors and after analyzing appropriate style is employed. Sometimes different styles are used at same time to control the situation. Different Management Styles Normally there are three management styles which are followed by the different organizations including Toyota which are Autocratic Democratic Lassie Faire Autocratic In Toyotas Autocratic style employees involvement is minimal or not taken. No information is shared with the employees. Rules are set and then tell employees to follow them. All the objectives and goals are set by the Toyota top management. The communication flow is from up to downward from top level to low level. The advantage of this style is that objectives and goal remain constant. These type of leaders make unilateral decision and always keep an eye on subordinates whether they are doing the right things. In this style subordinates have no control on any thing and they just need to follow leader (Kotter, J. and Schlesinger, L. 2003). The disadvantage of this style is that employees are dissatisfied and which cause the reason of turnovers, absenteeism and low productivity. Democratic In Toyotas Democratic style, employees input are taken in the planning and decision making process. Employees are motivated and encourage participating in the affairs of the Toyota. In this style every issues and problems are solved with the consent of the majority. The communication flow is both way upward to downward and vice versa. Democratic style is more often used at Toyota when the problem is complex and need everyone input. There are some advantages and disadvantages of this style. Employees are more satisfied with their job and turnover rate is low and productivity is high. Disadvantages may include to get everyone consensus is difficult. This style is time consuming because it takes time to get the input from others. Laissez-faire In Toyotas Laissez-faire leadership style, leader gives free hand to employees or a group or team and asked for the end result. Toyotas leader does not set any rules and regulations. Toyotas employees set the rules and objectives according to their need. Leader role is very nominal in this style. The communication style is horizontal in this style (Kotter, J. and Schlesinger, L. 2003). This style is not very common in the so many organizations including Toyota but still used when management feels its need. There are also some disadvantages for this style, lack of staff focus, no clear hierarchy, poor company image and less dissatisfaction of customers How to manage Toyota Human Resource? Toyota motor company has also adopted the different management techniques for keeping its employees competitive, satisfied and to solve all the potential problems related to its HRMS. These different techniques are: Job rotation Job Enrichment Involving employees Communication Management by walking around Employee driven innovation Maintain a knowledge sharing network Job rotation In Toyota job rotation is the newly concept and it is effective as well. The process of moving employees among different jobs is job rotation. Job rotation helps employees to improve their skills, Knowledge and competencies. Employees get bored by doing the repetitive task every time so job rotation is a good way to keep them active and fresh every time (Jeffrey H. Dyer and Kentaro Nobeoka, 2000). Job rotation also helpful for the Toyota itself in the time of crisis, if an employee is unavailable due to the any reason other employee can do its work Job enrichment: Toyota Motor Company knows intrinsic factors in a job such as achievement, responsibility and growth need the job enrichment. With job enrichment employees are more likely to be satisfied with the job and motivated to perform it. Combining tasks takes existing and fractionalized tasks and puts them together and form a larger module of work. Forming natural work units tasks and employee does create an identifiable and meaningful whole. Establishing client relationship increases the direct relationship with the clients. Expanding jobs vertically gives employee more responsibilities and control (Jeffrey H. Dyer and Kentaro Nobeoka, 2000). Opening feedback channel lets employees knows how well they are performing their jobs whether performance have improved or not or remain constant. Involving employees Take input from the employees to increase their commitment is important for the success of the Toyota. The extent to which decisions affect the employees and Toyota should involve the employees. By increasing their autonomy and control over their work lives, employees will become more motivated, more committed to the organization, more productive and more satisfied with their jobs. Communication Keep informing the employees about the goals and direction of the Toyota. Communicate all the related issues regarding employee future, job and performance. Each and every matter which Toyota can share to the employee should communicate them. Every thing which affects the employees itself also communicated to them. Management by walking around: Visit to the Toyotas offices, factories, workshops, and labs regularly, always asking the employees about their work and work related problems, sort out the problems and giving them feedback etc.    Employee Driven Innovation Toyota believes in collection of key ideas and uses the experiences of most of the employees to create opportunities and new ways for them. It is important to bring incremental changes in culture of Toyota, products, behavior, processes, and in business models that create value for customers, stakeholders and the company. Maintain Knowledge sharing network It is necessary for organization to maintain knowledge sharing network that will help in quick knowledge diffusion than other competing manufactures. Due to the best knowledge sharing network organization can gain competitive advantage on other competitors. Knowledge sharing system made organization effective and capable to do any thing with in no time. This knowledge sharing network includes organizations employees, suppliers, management and all the related stakeholders. This network improves the productivity and reduced the delivery time. This knowledge sharing network of will solve three basic problems: Motivate and encourage members involvement and share their valuable ideas Reduce cost of doing business Prevent free Riders Conclusion Studies have proved that organizational success is affected by the innovative management styles. These management styles are vary from every organization to another organization. There are different managing styles which all used to manage employees. Management styles can bring success and innovation in the organization but the most important thing is that management style should be suitable for the organization Satisfied and committed employees are asset for the Toyota. It has seen organization with more satisfied employees perform better than other whose are not satisfied. So, Toyotas success or failure also depends on its employees satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Organization whose employees are dissatisfied with their jobs cost too much to the organization. The Change Management Could arises from several many situations and could be applied in several many kinds. Actually the type of problem or situation decides why and how to change. The successful implementation of change depends on the human capital that an organization possesses and also on the measures adopted to implement change. The main objective of organizational change is to bring about a strategic change in its organizational structure to better utilize its human and non-human resources to efficiently achieve organizational goal. Recommendations Effective and Timely Change Management is the secret of success of Toyota. But for effective change, Toyota needs to plan the design, sequence and implementation of change proactively. Satisfied and committed employees are asset for the Toyota. It has seen organization with more satisfied employees perform better than other whose are not satisfied. So, it is vital for Toyota to maintain a healthy relationship with its employees in order to become competitive. Today world is changing very quickly so Toyota should change and up grade its self with the modern standards and technologies. Toyota should welcome any key idea by the any employee. Self recognition, self esteem and honors are also very important for the employees so, Toyota should more emphasis on these non financial motivators and keeps its employees as most satisfied and happy.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Summary of Beowulf Attacks Grendels Mother :: Anglo Saxon English Literature Essays

Summary of Beowulf Attacks Grendel's Mother The epic story of Beowulf is about a young hero who fights in battles against the monster Grendel and his mother and later concerns Beowulf's final fight with a dragon. Beowulf is the prince of the Geats. He is also the son of Ecgtheow, who travels to Heorot where the great mead hall of Hrothgar king of the Danes, is located. Hrothgar, is the great grandson of Scyld Scefing. In this passage Beowulf goes underwater and fights with Grendel's mother in a cave. During his descent to her lair, Beowulf is attacked by Grendel's mother and dragged to her cave. He tries to hit her with his sword but he does not succeed in piercing her skin. In rage and frustration Beowulf attacks her with his bare hands. He manages to knock down Grendel's mother, however, she is swift and manages to fight back and ends up sitting on top of him. With her dagger she desperately tries to kill Beowulf, but his armor protects him from her attacks. Beowulf then spots a large sword made by giants on the wall of the cave and throws Grendel's mother off him and grabs the sword. The sword Beowulf finds is amazing. It has a very ornamented handle called a hilt and the blade is bigger than the average sword. Beowulf strikes Grendel's mother with the sword slicing her in two and splitting her collarbones. After the attack, a light illuminates the cave, "just as from the sky heaven's candle shines clear." (Norton 47) Beowulf notices Grendel's body and he instantaneously cuts off the monster's head to present it to Hrothgar. The blade of Beowulf's new sword then begins to melt because the blood is too hot and poisonous for it. Beowulf notices all the great treasures in the cave but he does not take any of them. He swims to shore with Grendel's head in one hand and holding the hilt with the other. He is then received by his fellow warriors who are waiting in hope to see Beowulf again. Four warriors carry Grendel's head to Heorot where the victory will be celebrated. The head is carried around as a trophy for all to view in the great mead hall of Hrothgar. Summary of Beowulf Attacks Grendel's Mother :: Anglo Saxon English Literature Essays Summary of Beowulf Attacks Grendel's Mother The epic story of Beowulf is about a young hero who fights in battles against the monster Grendel and his mother and later concerns Beowulf's final fight with a dragon. Beowulf is the prince of the Geats. He is also the son of Ecgtheow, who travels to Heorot where the great mead hall of Hrothgar king of the Danes, is located. Hrothgar, is the great grandson of Scyld Scefing. In this passage Beowulf goes underwater and fights with Grendel's mother in a cave. During his descent to her lair, Beowulf is attacked by Grendel's mother and dragged to her cave. He tries to hit her with his sword but he does not succeed in piercing her skin. In rage and frustration Beowulf attacks her with his bare hands. He manages to knock down Grendel's mother, however, she is swift and manages to fight back and ends up sitting on top of him. With her dagger she desperately tries to kill Beowulf, but his armor protects him from her attacks. Beowulf then spots a large sword made by giants on the wall of the cave and throws Grendel's mother off him and grabs the sword. The sword Beowulf finds is amazing. It has a very ornamented handle called a hilt and the blade is bigger than the average sword. Beowulf strikes Grendel's mother with the sword slicing her in two and splitting her collarbones. After the attack, a light illuminates the cave, "just as from the sky heaven's candle shines clear." (Norton 47) Beowulf notices Grendel's body and he instantaneously cuts off the monster's head to present it to Hrothgar. The blade of Beowulf's new sword then begins to melt because the blood is too hot and poisonous for it. Beowulf notices all the great treasures in the cave but he does not take any of them. He swims to shore with Grendel's head in one hand and holding the hilt with the other. He is then received by his fellow warriors who are waiting in hope to see Beowulf again. Four warriors carry Grendel's head to Heorot where the victory will be celebrated. The head is carried around as a trophy for all to view in the great mead hall of Hrothgar.